Samsung Galaxy S4 Smartphone
With a slightly bigger screen than it's predecessor at 5 inches, the Galaxy S4 is also thinner and lighter than earlier models. However, aside from these small changes, Samsungs new design is incredibly similar to the model it is replacing.
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What the S4 really does differently is use a wealth of contact-free technology. It let's us preview information in messages, on web pages and more, and the phone simply needs to see your finger hovering above it to know that you want to know more. It knows when your attention is divided and will pause a video as soon as you look away. It also includes a health tracker, which will count steps taken, stairs climbed and calories consumed every day.
Perhaps the most useful addition (for those of us living in Chile with less than perfect castellano ) is the built-in S Translator. Offering voice to voice translation, the android phone can also translate emails, messages and web content quickly and easily.
However, with more accessories than it is possible to describe, the S4 shows that it is burning the candle at both ends by it's speed, or lack thereof. Experts complain, since testing the device today, that on top of offering more than any user really needs, the busy phone lags a little in loading internet pages and messages, compared to the HTC One, for example.
Following the success of the Galaxy S3, I'm sure these minor details will not stop anyone wanting to upgrade to the S4.
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