Positive changes are happening in our community!
To help meet the needs of the residents of Hubbard Lake, the Board of Directors and members of the Hubbard Lake Community Association have determined that the community is in need of a larger library and an updated Community Building.
The old Community Building is in disrepair and will be replaced with the new building. The new Community Building will continue to serve as a place for community and family events.
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The plans for the new librarypropose doubling the size of the existing facilty.The new plan will provide space for improved reading and studying areas and a new high-speed Internet computer lab.
The Hubbard Lake Community Association is looking for grant funding for the project. In addition the association is seeking help of the residents in the area. Fundraising projects will be held and donations can be made to the "Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan.
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Posted in Business Post Date 03/24/2018