Press Releases vs Media Advisories
Its quite common for people to get these two things confused, so in this short post I'll break down the difference between the two and advise on when to use each.
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First of all, the words press and media are interchangeable. Media would of course be a more modern term and likely more appropriate, because it's unlikely you'll send your press release exclusively to print media outlets. That being said, the press term is still perfectly acceptable.
So, a press releases is a media release and a media advisory is a press advisory. Clear? Moving on.
The differentiator is the word release or advisory.
To keep it simple:
Common practice therefore is to issue an advisory prior to the event or situation, and to issue a release following the event or situation.
For example:
If the snowmobile club will be holding a special meeting to discuss expanding it's trail network, it might issue a media advisory. The purpose of the advisory is to encourage media to attend to meeting, in hopes that they'll report on what takes place.
Lets say the media didn't bother to come. Then, the club might issue a release explaining the details of the discussion and the proposed changes. This information could be printed exactly as it's issued, or it might prompt a reporter to follow up with a phone call or visit to the club to expand on the story.
Perhaps the media did attend, and the meeting was hijacked by protesters upset about snowmobile trail expansion in a quiet residential neighbourhood. The club has a viewpoint contrary to that of the protesters, so it might issue a press release outlining the clubs take on the issue, with a statement from the president and the chairman of the trail development committee, all of which could be quoted by the media.
In the case of both releases and advisories, keep them short and punchy. If you feel the need to include all kinds of information, add it as a backgrounder on a second page.
Have you every written a press release or media advisory that had great success? Do you have tips for making sure advisories and releases get read?
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Posted in Business Post Date 01/05/2018